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How To Post FormData To WebAPI Using Angular 2

  In this article we will learn about how to post  FormData to webapi using angularjs2.Normally you can post data to webapi in body,but if you want to pass image and some filed in that case we have to post FormData.

If you are not aware about how to post multipart form data to webapi go through my article.
I have already explained How to post Multipart formData in webapi2,you can create webapi to upload multipart form data.go through and can be test by postman. 

In angular2 if have configured project then all thing will be so easy because its totally component based.just create component with HTML and use anywhere.
In this example i am going to create simple application to upload image with field (FormData)  to web api and save in api application folder.

If you are beginner in angular2 go on my previous article or blog to learn how to setup and how to start work on angular2.
click on above link and learn how to create component,module,services and html using angular2 with typescript using visual studio code.
I think vscode is better than other to develop angularjs2 applications.

Ok Lets go to learn step to upload multipart fom data in angular2 to webapi.

If you have already configured your application and run succesfully,
just add a single line of html element with input type file.see code
1.  <div class="float-label-control">                                               
2.                                             <a class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" href="javascript:;">Upload Contract  
3.                                                  File  
4.                                                  <input class="uploadfile-style" [(ngModel)]="networkContract.FilePath" (change)="fileChange($event)" name="CContractorFPath"                                                   
5.                                                  size="10" type="file"></a></div>     
you can see in line of code  fileChange($event) function will call once you select any file and fire a event to save document.
Now create a function inside component.ts see code
1.  fileChange(event) {   
2.       let fileList: FileList = event.target.files;  
3.       if(fileList.length > 0) {  
4.       let file: File = fileList[0];   
5.       let fileSize:number=fileList[0].size;  
6.       if(fileSize<=10485760)  
7.       {   
8.       let formData:FormData = new FormData();  
9.       formData.append('Document',file);  
10.      formData.append('ClientId'this.clientId);  
11.      formData.append('NetworkOrgID',this.networkContract.NetworkOrgID);  
12.      formData.append('DocumentType','ClientContractDoc');  
13.       if((this.clientId!=undefined && this.clientId>0) &&(this.networkContract.NetworkOrgID!=undefined && this.networkContract.NetworkOrgID>0))  
14.       {  
15.      this._contractInfoTabService.UploadClientContractDoc(formData).subscribe(val => {  
16.       if(val.json().status=='success')  
17.       {    
18.         this.networkContract.FilePath=val.json().data.fileName;          
19.       }  
20.      this.alertService.show(val.json());  
21.     });   
22.      }  
23.      else  
24.      {  
25.      this.alertService.error("Client Name and Contract Org is not selected, please select Client Name and Contract Org first.");  
26.     }  
27.      }  
28.      else  
29.      {  
30.        this.alertService.error("File size is exceeded");  
31.      }       
32.    }  
33.    else  
34.    {  
35.      this.alertService.error("Something went Wrong.");  
36.    }  
37. }  
 Inside this peace of code i am checking multiple conditions,you can customize or remove as per your requirment.

1.  formData.append('Document',file);
2.  formData.append('ClientId'this.clientId);
3.  formData.append('NetworkOrgID',this.networkContract.NetworkOrgID);
4.  formData.append('DocumentType','ClientContractDoc');

These line of code appending value in formdata object with keypair value,you can change key name and value as per your requirment.
01 line is doc file and other is normal field. 
These fields are coming from other object,you can change or remove and add if need any extra filed.
     this.alertService.error("File size is exceeded");
alert service is a custom service which is created to display error message in application.you can remove as per your need.
In this part of code i am also checking size of file,if you need otherwise can remove. 

   this._contractInfoTabService.UploadClientContractDoc(formData).subscribe(val => {  

This line of code calling the service to post formdata object with file and fields.
Now lets go to create service to hit endpoint.see code
1.  UploadClientContractDoc(formData:FormData)  
2.    {     
3.       return this.http.post("ApiUrl",formData)  
4.              .map((response: Response) => {  
5.                return response;                 
6.              }).catch(this.handleError);             
7.    }  
FormData is predefined class of angular2. I am passing information with document file via FormData object.
You need to create HTTP POST request and pass formdata object as body.
Inside this part of codcane i have used..
 .catch(this.handleError); this one for exeception handling 
But if you want use you need to create a exception method other wise remove if you don't need.see code. 
1.  private handleError(error: Response){  
2.      console.error(error);  
3.      return Observable.throw(error.json().error || 'Server error');  
4.    }  
If you have not created web for that scenario so just go and open visual studio and create webapi. 
Now time to create webapi to take FormData request from angularjs .So I have already written article on that go through on given below link.
use "git clone https://github.com/Bikeshs/Angular2-Typescript"  command to clone code from github if you have installed git on your system,otherwise git command will not work.

 I hope you have learned lot of points, how to upload image with formdata,and also check size of image or document and post FormData to webApi using component and services. 

You have just read an article that categorized by title AngularJs 2 by title How To Post FormData To WebAPI Using Angular 2. You can bookmark this page with a URL https://bikeshsrivastava.blogspot.com/2017/04/part-46-how-to-post-formdata-to-webapi.html?hl=en. Thank You!
Author: Bikesh Srivastava - Tuesday, April 18, 2017

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