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Sunday, November 3, 2019

How To Create Angular App With .NET Core In Visual Studio

In this article, I am going to share knowledge "How to create an angular app inside .net core". Most of the developers are thinking about angular if it can be merged with visual studio .net core so that's fantastic. So don't worry guys I am here and going to explain about this0. If you are not aware of Angular and .net core separately please go through the below-given link these links are very helpful to create an angular app with .net core step by step.
I am going to explain in some of the steps to create an Angular app using .net core using visual studio:
Before start, you should make sure you have already installed Visual Studio 2017.

Open Visual Studio and create a project after clicking on File> New> Project, See the below image for more help. 

Choose template ASP.NET Core Web Application and click on OK after that one other popup will be displayed there, so now time to select the SPA category. We can choose any template e.g React, Angular, WebAPI, any template according to your requirement, Now we should select Angular because we are going to create SPA with .netCore with Angular. see image for more help

Select Angular and click on OK, Now SPA template is generating by Visual Studio for Angular with .netCore. it will take 1 minute approximate to create a complete application structure with all configuration on your system. see image for more help. 

Now open solution explorer and we can see SPA application structure is ready. Application structure completely follow the latest version of the framework .net Core. Open the given link if not aware of .net Core click here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/quickstart-aspnet-core?view=vs-2019.
So let me explain about  ASP.NET Core - Project Structure one by one:

AngularSPAwithCore: Solution Name and project Name (in this project both names are the same but you can choose different).
Connected Services: We can use to connect any cloud services e.g Azure.
Dependency: It contains all the installed serverside NuGet packages as well as clientside frameworks such as jQuery, Angular etc. Client-side dependencies are managed using NPM in Visual Studio. 
Properties: Properties set the configuration launchSettings.json file which includes Visual Studio profiles of debug settings. 
wwwroot: Basically, This is root folder of the application and treated as webroot () folder, Inside wwwroot should be separate folders for the different types of static files such as JS, CSS, Image, bootstrap etc. 
ClientApp: Complete Angular application with all configuration. see below image to understand in easy way.

Above image, Now we see inside ClientApp Angular configuration available e.g. Component, Package.json, Index.html. etc. If you are already not aware about angular application structure so click on this link Clickhere.

Controller: In this folder, we can create our business logic e.g API
Pages:  Application related .cshtml pages e.g error.cshtml.
.gitignore: This file is part of the git code versioning tool to configure the setting of git logic as well as to ignore folder and file from the application.
appsetings.json:   As we know don't have anything called Web.config in Asp.net Core application which we use to write our connection strings or application-specific settings. Here we have a file called appsettings.json to store such type of information.
Program.cs: As we know Asp.net Core application starts from the program.cs file and execute always void main() function. 
Startup.cs: As we know about Asp.net Core Application there is no Global.asax file so instead of that use Startup.cs which is executed the first time when the application starts.

Now we can change the configuration in any file according to our project requirement. So let's move to our application which is already configured by default.
Application is ready to run but before that, we should make sure all client-side and server-side packages available inside the dependency node_module folder. If the yellow icon indicator displaying on the dependency folder it means we need to rebuild the application to restore the packages.

Let's press f5 or run the application after compile and build application will open in browser with default https://localhost:44391/See the below image.

In this application already default SPA application template is created. Now we can change layout, component, service etc. 
I hope this article is helpful to learn about ASP.NET Core SPA Application with Angular. 

      Happy Coding!! Keep learning!!

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